25 March 2009

Watchmen: Reading the Novel before the Movie

I have finally caved in and bought the graphic novel behind the film that everyone is talking about.

However there is a logic to my impulse buy. Traditionally I've watched movies then read the novels, and always found myself comparing the novel to the movie, sometimes even finding myself disappointed.

Despite this novel being a 'classic' the special effects in the movie are going to blow apart the 80's pop art style of the original novel, so I want to get that out of the way, as well as having the benefit of watching the movie and comparing it with the original.

I'm not one of those people who generally complain when a movie or book skips or changes the original story, but there is a different feel to something when you have experienced something in one medium and are now watching/reading in another.

comparethemeercat.com Outtakes

The little Meercat that appears on TV for comparethemeercat.com now has a bloopers reel:

9 March 2009

Photo Albums on Facebook

For those following, I am uploading and tagging all our old photos onto facebook. I'll still be posting wedding photos here, as we go forward in updating this blog. To view the albums if you are not a member of facebook you can join then add us as friends using our email.

Wes on Facebook
Donna on Facebook