28 July 2007


After arriving overnight, driving in the dark along the coast to find the Ka'anapali Villas where we would be staying we finally got to glimpse the beauty of the island of Maui. Far left is Donna overlooking a place where whales can be spotted. Unfortunately we were too early in the season to see them.

Left is a lava rock beach close to Makena Cove, south of the island where we were 3 days from sealing the deal.

Below, some trees behind Makena Beach where I was ambushed by a Mosquito and Donna standing on Makena Beach.

See these photo's on Facebook


Unknown said...

Hey Wes (and Donna - sorry I've not met you),

Glad to see it looks like you're having a great time in Maui! Keep it up!

I voted 'in a chat room' on your poll, because that wasn't the closest option there to 'through blogging', which would have been more accurate. I hope more ppl vote to make it more of a representative showing!

Anyhow, my the Lord bless the rest of your trip, and beyond!


Unknown said...

OK so I'm confused about the dates :s

Wes said...

LOL Hi Matt,

Basically this is our blog started earlier this year for posting photos from our Wedding trip to Canada/Maui.

So, no we're in Maui right now! I did start out trying to keep the dates inline with actual but it was too much effort, so now I'm just using past tense.