7 May 2007

Bringing Us To You

Ok, I know some of you just want to see photo's of the wedding. I know because you've been emailing for them. They are coming, so relax and enjoy the journey.

We have experienced a bunch of setbacks since we got married. We spent the first 2 months of married life apart because of British Immigration refused to let Donna into the country. After that we found we couldn't celebrate in England as we planned, because most of our money has gone on the costs of moving to England, paying London prices for a one bedroom flat and settling. We haven't seen friends in Bedworth for 4 months. We hear from Canada more than England.

So we still want to do our celebration/reception in England. If we can finally get settled in the church we have begun to attend, and find cheaper accommodation, we plan to do a reception for the English people for our 1 year anniversary. Invitations will be sent out.

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