9 April 2007

Gravity Hill

So we're back, after a long hiatus, back on the journey towards the the wedding on the beach. We know you've all been faithful and patient as we waited for our broadband to come on and to sort through things.

This image is of Gravity Hill. That's the unofficial name. It looks like we are standing at the top doesn't it? Well, Donna took me to the 'bottom' which is like, the third telegraph pole down and asked me to stop when I thought we had reached the lowest point. Then she put the car into neutral.

The car rolled back to where we are now and the photo was taken from. Weird huh?

So that's the story of Gravity Hill.

Stand by for more posts, I am now abandoning the back-dating system and simply posting with current dating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Donna,
It's Carol. Ginger and I had lunch together the other day and your name came up (of course). We got on my computer to peek into your new life and thought I should let you know we'd been here. Not sure how to do this or where it will go but I'm trying. Haven't seen your Mom recently but I'll hunt her down eventually.
